La Mitral Foundation es una asociación no gubernamental sin fines de lucro, establecida desde 2009 y en funciones desde 2010, creada por el Dr. David H. Adams en nombre del Departamento de Cirugía Cardiovascular de The Mount Sinai Hospital.
La misión de la Mitral Foundation es promover técnicas de reparación valvular entre la comunidad quirúrgica internacional para así contribuir a la elevación de los estándares actuales, particularmente en países subdesarrollados o con importante patología reumática.

Mitral Foundation
Report of Activities

David H. Adams, MD
President, Mitral Foundation
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide. In this context, the overall prevalence of at least moderate heart valve disease is estimated to be 2.5% before the age of 65 years and up to 13% after 75 years. Among these patients, mitral valve disease accounts for almost half of the cases, being the most common in younger adults.
Today’s gold standard treatment for mitral valve regurgitation is mitral valve repair, particularly in young patients with mitral valve prolapse. Mitral valve repair, as opposed to mitral valve replacement, offers better outcomes with significantly decreased perioperative complications. However, although its technical feasibility in all prolapsing valves has been fully characterized, mitral valve replacement still remains common. The average repair rate in patients with degenerative mitral valve disease is around 60% worldwide, way below the at least 90% threshold recommended by the American College of Cardiology or the European Society of Cardiology.
Since its creation in 2009, the Mitral Foundation has been a solid driving force in advancing the understanding of mitral valve disease and promoting mitral valve repair techniques. Our commitment to patient care, education, research, and academic excellence has contributed to accelerate momentum in the field in many invigorating ways. This year saw a significant expansion of our team which led to the effective implementation of programs to deliver our message to the community, thus engaging volunteers and caregivers. Our work has also reached across continents and we have organized surgical missions to Asia and South America. Furthermore, we have directed our resources to lead mitral valve repair workshops around the globe to educate surgeons from over 50 countries. This was also an enriching year for our portfolio of collaborations with world renowned international organizations.
Achieving a transformational change also mandates tireless effort and tenacity, and our educational commitment to advocate for and endorse mitral valve repair among surgeons worldwide has never been stronger. Our partnership with patients, families, researchers, clinicians and philanthropists throughout the surgical community will continue to provide support and information about mitral valve disease and mitral valve repair. Because of your generosity, the Mitral Foundation will relentlessly persist on expanding and leading new programs and initiatives to maximize the impact of every gift. Thank you for being a part of our enduring mission.

Javier Castillo, MD
Executive Director, Mitral Foundation
On behalf of the Mitral Foundation, I am pleased to share with you our detailed report of activities, which showcases our incessant commitment to advancing the understanding of mitral valve disease through unique innovation, focused research, and visionary educational techniques. This is the year we release our first publication with our work as a foundation. We are deeply proud of all that we have achieved so far, and conscious of the challenges ahead. In order to face these challenges, we will be extremely responsible with the financial resources we have been entrusted with to ensure a superlative productivity of every single donation.
The Mitral Foundation is linked to the Department of Cardiovascular Surgery at The Mount Sinai Hospital, one of the leading and most prestigious programs in the nation. Our specialists and healthcare team continue to be recognized for their excellence in cardiac care and their ability to blend research into clinical practice. Our outstanding outcomes and our pledge to quality, safety and patient satisfaction greatly benefit a significant volume of national and international patients. In addition, our cardiologists and cardiovascular surgeons provide superb training to the upcoming generation of professionals, thus safeguarding the continuity of excellence. Without doubt, all the aforementioned principles and values are extrapolated to the Mitral Foundation leadership.
Over the years, the Mitral Foundation has become an international hub of excellence in mitral valve disease, offering unrivaled teaching resources. Next year, we will team up with recognized partners worldwide to continue our educational mission, to establish new centers of expertise in developing countries, and to promote innovative valve screening programs.
It is my privilege to take this responsibility, and to join forces in shaping the future of medicine with outstanding benefactors. To all of you, my deepest appreciation.